Preserve Your Oral Health With Regular Cleanings & Checkups
Regular dental cleanings and checkups are essential to maintaining a healthy smile. At Legendary Smiles in Havertown, we offer comprehensive preventive services to help our patients protect and strengthen their teeth, gums, and more.
How are cleanings and checkups performed?
Our experienced team will first examine the overall condition of your teeth and gums, both visually and with diagnostic technology, looking for any signs of decay or disease. We will then remove plaque and tartar using specialized tools before polishing your teeth with a protective fluoride treatment.
What are the benefits of regular cleanings and checkups?
There are many, including fresher breath, more confidence in your smile, and a reduced need for more intensive procedures. These preventive services also reduce your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems, and they enable us to quickly detect and prepare a treatment plan to address any issues.
How often should someone have a dental cleaning and checkup?
For some patients, bi-annual visits are ideal while for others, more frequent visits will be necessary. You can trust that our qualified experts will make a treatment recommendation based on your unique needs.
Has it been more than six months since your last preventive visit? Contact Legendary Smiles today to schedule an appointment! Our experienced and compassionate team is here to help you keep your smile looking its best for life.
Contact Legendary Smiles About Cleanings & Checkups Today!
- Detect problems in their earliest stages
- Improve and freshen bad breath
- Instill confidence in your smile
- Prevent future dental complications
- Obtain better oral health!